Mario Di Mauro

Conference Speaker (Selected Talks)

Invited Speaker (Italian Technical Events)

Available Material

  • Dataset and code exploited in the article Hybrid learning strategies for multivariate time series forecasting of network quality metrics, Computer Networks 2024 (Di Mauro et al.) Network Traffic Forecasting via Statistical/Deep Learning strategies
  • Dataset and code exploited in the article Multivariate Time Series characterization and forecasting of VoIP traffic in real mobile networks, IEEE TNSM 2023 (Di Mauro et al.) Network Traffic Forecasting
  • Instructions to build the HASFC framework available in the article "HASFC: a MANO-compliant Framework for Availability Management of Service Chains", IEEE Comm. Mag. 2021 (Di Mauro et al.) HASFC Framework
  • Part of Datasets used for the articles: "Experimental review of neural-based approaches for network intrusion management", IEEE TNSM 2020 (Di Mauro et al.), and "Supervised feature selection techniques in network intrusion detection: A critical review", Eng. Appl. of Artif. Intell. 2021 (Di Mauro et al.) Classification Data
  • Datasets collected and exploited in the article "An experimental evaluation and characterization of VoIP over an LTE-A network”, IEEE TNSM 2020 (Di Mauro et al.) LTE-A Data