Mario Di Mauro

Journal Papers

J.26 L. De Simone, M. Di Mauro, R. Natella, F. Postiglione, “Performability of Service Chains with Rejuvenation: A Multidimensional Universal Generating Function Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2024. (link)

J.25 I. Fé, T. A. Nguyen, M. Di Mauro, F. Postiglione, A. Ramos, A. Soares, E. Choi, D. Min, J. W. Lee, F. A. Silva, “Energy-aware dynamic response and efficient consolidation strategies for disaster survivability of cloud microservices architecture”, Computing (Springer), 2024. (link)

J.24  M. Shirdel, M. Di Mauro, A. Liotta, “Worthiness Benchmark: A Novel Concept for Analyzing Binary Classification Evaluation Metrics”, in Information Sciences (Elsevier), 2024. (link)

J.23 L. De Simone, M. Di Mauro, R. Natella, F. Postiglione, “Performance and Availability Challenges in Designing Resilient 5G Architectures”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024. 10.1109/TNSM.2024.3404560. (link)

J.22 M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, F. Postiglione, W. Song, A. Liotta, “Hybrid learning strategies for multivariate time series forecasting of network quality metrics”, Computer Networks, vol. 243, 2024. (link)

J.21 M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, F. Postiglione, W. Song, A. Liotta, “Multivariate Time Series characterization and forecasting of VoIP traffic in real mobile networks”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2023. (link)

J.20 L. De Simone, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, R. Natella, F. Postiglione, “Multi-Provider IMS Infrastructure with Controlled Redundancy: A Performability Evaluation”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol.20, no.4, pp. 3984-3998, 2023. 10.1109/TNSM.2023.3282745. (link)

J.19  X. Liu, W. Song, Q. He, M. Di Mauro, A. Liotta, “Speeding Up Subjective Video Quality Assessment via Hybrid Active Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 165-178, 2023. (link)

J.18  L. De Simone, M. Di Mauro, R. Natella, F. Postiglione, “A Latency-Driven Availability Assessment for Multi-Tenant Service Chains”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 815-829, 2023. (link)

J.17  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “Performability of Network Service Chains: Stochastic Modeling and Assessment of Softwarized IP Multimedia Subsystem”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 3071-3086, 2022. (link)

J.16  L. Erhan, M. Di Mauro, A. Anjum, O. Bagdasar, W. Song, A. Liotta, “Embedded Data Imputation for Environmental Intelligent Sensing: A Case Study”, Sensors, vol. 21, no.23, pp. 1-17, 2021. (link)

J.15  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “HASFC: a MANO-compliant framework for availability management of service chains, ” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.59, no.6, pp.52-58, 2021. (link)

J.14  M. Cirillo, M. Di Mauro, V. Matta, M. Tambasco, “Botnet identification in DDoS Attacks with Multiple Emulation Dictionaries”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 16, pp. 3554-3569, 2021. (link)

J.13  P. Addesso, M. Barni, M. Di Mauro, V. Matta, “Adversarial Kendall’s Model Towards Containment of Distributed Cyber-Threats”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 16, pp. 3604-3619, 2021. (link)

J.12  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “Comparative Performability Assessment of SFCs: The case of Containerized IP Multimedia Subsystem”,  IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 18, no.1, pp. 258-272, 2021. (link)

J.11  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, G. Fortino, A. Liotta, “Supervised feature selection techniques in network intrusion detection: A critical review”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), vol. 101, pp. 1-15, 2021. (link)

J.10  L. Erhan, M. Ndubuaku, M. Di Mauro, W. Song, M.  Chen, G. Fortino, O. Bagdasar, A. Liotta, “Smart anomaly detection in sensor systems: A multi-perspective review”, Information Fusion (Elsevier), vol. 67, pp. 64-79, 2021. (link)

J.9  P. Addesso, M. Cirillo, M. Di Mauro, V. Matta, “ADVoIP: Adversarial Detection of Encrypted and Concealed VoIP”, in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 15, pp. 943-958, 2020. (link)

J.8  M. Di Mauro, A. Liotta, “An experimental evaluation and characterization of VoIP over an LTE-A network”, in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1626-1639, 2020. (link)

J.7  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, A. Liotta A., “Experimental review of Neural-based approaches for Network  Intrusion Management”, in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2480-2495, 2020. (link)

J.6  M. Di Mauro, A. Liotta A., “Statistical Assessment of IP Multimedia Subsystem in a Softwarized Environment: A Queueing Networks Approach”, in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1493-1506, 2019. (link)

J.5  E. Ferrara, L. Fragale, G. Fortino, W. Song, C. Perra, M. Di Mauro, A. Liotta, “An AI Approach to Collecting and Analyzing Human Interactions with Urban Environments” , in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 141476-141486, 2019. (link)

J.4  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, “Availability Evaluation of Multi-tenant Service Function Chaining Infrastructures by Multidimensional Universal Generating Function”, in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol.14, no.5, pp. 1320-1332, 2018. (link)

J.3  V. Matta, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, A. Farina, “Cyber-Threat Mitigation Exploiting the Birth-Death-Immigration Model” in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 13, no.12, pp. 3137-3152, 2018. (link)

J.2  M. Di Mauro, C. Di Sarno, “Improving SIEM capabilities through an enhanced probe for encrypted Skype traffic detection”, Journal of Information Security and Application (Elsevier), vol. 38, pp. 85-95, 2017. (link)

J.1  V. Matta, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, “DDoS Attacks with Randomized Traffic Innovation: Botnet Identification Challenges and Strategies”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 1844-1859, 2017. (link)

Conference Papers

C.46  L. De Simone, M. Di Mauro, R. Natella, F. Postiglione, “Performability evaluation of softwarized multi-tenant 5G architectures with rejuvenation”, in Proc. of IEEE RNDM, Pompei (Italy), Nov. 2024. (link)

C.45  W. Song, C. Liu, M. Di Mauro, A. Liotta, “Unsupervised Underwater Image Enhancement Combining Imaging Restoration and Prompt Learning”, in Proc. of Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV) – part of LNCS vol. 15032, Nov. 2024. (link)

C.44  M. Shirdel, M. Di Mauro, A. Liotta, “Exploring Evaluation Metrics for Binary Classification in Data Analysis: the Worthiness Benchmark Concept”, in Proc. of DaWak, Napoli (Italy), Aug. 2024. (link)

C.43 M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, F. Postiglione, W. Song, A. Liotta, “Evaluating Recurrent Neural Networks for prediction of Multi-Variate time series VoIP metrics”, in Proc. of IEEE MedComNet, Nice (France), Jun. 2024. (link)

C.42  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “A REST-based framework for performability management of service function chains”, in Proc. of IEEE RNDM, Hamburg (Germany), Sept. 2023. (link)

C.41  M. Shirdel, M. Di Mauro, A. Liotta, “Relative Information Superiority (RIS): a Novel Evaluation Measure for Binary Rule-based Classification Models”, in Proc. of ESWN, Rende (Italy), Sept. 2023. (link)

C.40  X. Liu, W. Song, W. Zhang, M. Di Mauro, A. Liotta, “Efficient Subjective Video Quality Assessment Based on Active Learning and Clustering”, in Proc. of ACM MOMM 2022, Virtual, Nov. 2022 (link)

C.39  L. De Simone, M. Di Mauro, R. Natella, F. Postiglione, “Performability Assessment of containerized multi-tenant IMS through Multidimensional UGF”, in Proc. of CNSM, Thessaloniki (Greece), Oct. 2022. (link)

C.38  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “Performability Analysis of Containerized IMS through Queueing Networks and Stochastic Models”, in Proc. of IEEE NOMS, Budapest (Hungary), Apr. 2022. (link)

C.37  M. Cirillo, M. Di Mauro, V. Matta, G. Basileo, “Cyber-Threat Propagation over network-slicing architecture”, in Proc. of IEEE ICASSP, Singapore, May 2022. (link)

C.36  M. Cirillo, M. Di Mauro, V. Matta, M. Tambasco, “Application-Layer DDoS Attacks with Multiple Emulation Dictionaries”, in Proc. of IEEE ICASSP, pp. 2610-2614, Toronto (Canada), Jun. 2021. (link)

C.35  L. De Simone, M. Di Mauro, R. Natella, F. Postiglione, “Steady-state Availability Evaluation of Multi-Tenant Service Chains”, in Proc. of ESREL (Abstract Only), Anger (France), Sept. 2021.  (link)

C.34  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, A. Liotta, “A WNN-based approach for Network Intrusion Detection”, in Proc. of IDC, Reggio Calabria (Italy), Sept. 2021. (link)

C.33  L. Erhan, M. Di Mauro, O. Bagdasar, Antonio Liotta, “Critical comparison of data imputation techniques at IoT Edge”,  in Proc. of IDC, Reggio Calabria (Italy), Sept. 2021. (link)

C.32  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “Performability Management of Softwarized IP Multimedia Subsystem”, in Proc. of IEEE NOMS, pp. 1-6, Budapest (Hungary), Apr. 2020. (link)

C.31  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, A. Palma, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “Automated Generation of Availability Models for SFCs: The case of Virtualized IP Multimedia Subsystem”, in Proc. of IEEE NOMS, pp. 1-6, Budapest (Hungary), Apr. 2020. (link)

C.30  M. Di Mauro, A. Liotta, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, “Statistical Characterization of Containerized IP Multimedia Subsystem through Queueing Networks”, in Proc. of IEEE NETSOFT, pp. 100-105, Ghent (Belgium), Jun. 2020. (link)

C.29  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, A. Palma, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “A Tool for Automated Generation of Availability Models for Service Function Chains”, in Proc. of ESREL, pp. 1-6, Venice (Italy), Nov. 2020. (link)

C.28  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “IP Multimedia Subsystem in a Containerized Environment: Availability and Sensitivity Evaluation”, in Proc. of IEEE NETSOFT, pp. 42-47, Paris (France), Jun. 2019.  (link)

C.27  P. Addesso, M. Cirillo, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, V. Matta, “Adversarial Detection of Concealed VoIP Traffic” , in Proc. of IEEE ICNC, pp. 437-441, Honolulu (Hawaii), Feb. 2019. (link)

C.26  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco M., “Availability Analysis of IP Multimedia Subsystem in Cloud Environments”, in Proc. of IEEE ICSRS, pp. 111-115, Rome (Italy), Nov. 2019. (link)

C.25  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “IP Multimedia Subsystem in an NFV environment: availability evaluation and sensitivity analysis”, in Proc. of IEEE NFV-SDN, pp. 1-6, Verona (Italy), Nov. 2018. (link)

C.24  V. Matta, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, A. Farina, “Multiple Cyber-Threats Containment Via Kendall’s Birth-Death-Immigration Model”, in Proc. of IEEE EUSIPCO, pp. 2554-2558, Rome (Italy), Sept. 2018. (link)

C.23  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “Availability modeling of a virtualized IP multimedia subsystem using non-Markovian stochastic reward nets”, in Proc. of ESREL. pp. 2427-2435, Trondheim (Norway), Jun. 2018. (link

C.22  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “Availability Assessment of IP Multimedia Subsystem in an NFV-based Environment”, in Proc. of AFIN, pp. 3-7, Venice (Italy), Sep. 2018.  (link)

C.21  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, F.  Postiglione, M. Tambasco, G. Carullo, “Service Function Chaining deployed in an NFV environment: an availability modelling”, in proc. of CSCN, pp. 42-47, Helsinki (Finland), Oct. 2017. (link)

C.20  V. Matta, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, “Botnet Identification in Multi-clustered DDoS Attacks”, in proc. of EUSIPCO, Kos Island (Greece), pp. 2171-2175, August 2017.  (link)

C.19  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, G. Carullo, M. Tambasco, “Software Defined Storage: availability modeling and sensitivity analysis”, in Proc. of IEEE/SCS SPECTS, pp. 445-451, Seattle (US) Jul 2017. (link)

C.18  M. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “Availability evaluation of a virtualized IP multimedia subsystem for 5G network architectures”, in Proc. of ESREL, Portorose (Croatia), pp. 2203-2210, Jun. 2017. (link)

C.17  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, “Performability evaluation of Software Defined Networking Infrastructure”, in Proc. of VALUETOOLS, pp. 1-8, Taormina (Italy), Oct 2016. (link)

C.16  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, R. Restaino, M. Tambasco, “Availability Evaluation of the Virtualized Infrastructure Manager in Network Function Virtualization Environments”, in Proc. of ESREL, Glasgow (Scotland), Sept. 2016.  (link)

C.15  V. Matta, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, “Botnet Identification in Randomized DDoS Attacks”, in Proc. of IEEE EUSIPCO, pp. 2260-2264 Budapest (Hungary), Aug./Sept. 2016. (link)

C.14  M. Cirillo, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, A. Senatore, “Detection of encrypted multimedia traffic through extraction and parameterization of Recurrence Plots”, in Proc. of MNSC, Bangkok (Thailandia), Mar. 2016.  (link)

C.13  G. Carullo, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, M. Tambasco, “A Performance Evaluation of WebRTC over LTE”, in Proc. of IEEE/IFIP WONS, pp. 170-175, Cortina d’Ampezzo (Italy), Jan 2016 . (link)

C.12  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, “Reliability Analysis of the Controller Architecture in Software Defined Networks”, in Proc. of ESREL, pp. 1503-1510, Zurich (Switzerland), Sept. 2015. (link)

C.11  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, “Revealing Encrypted WebRTC traffic via Machine Learning tools”, in Proc. of SECRYPT, pp. 1-5, Colmar (Alsace), 20-22 Jul. 2015. (link)

C.10  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo M, “A Decision Theory Based Tool for Detection of Encrypted WebRTC Traffic” in Proc. of IEEE ICIN, Paris (France), pp. 89-94, Feb. 2015. (link)

C.9  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, “Skype traffic detection: a decision theory based tool”, in Proc. of IEEE ICCST, pp. 52-57, Rome (Italy), Oct. 2014. (link)

C.8  P. Addesso, M. Di Mauro, R. Garufi, M. Longo, “A fusion architecture for mobile threats detection”, in Proc. of ICWMC , pp. 55-61, Lisbon (Portugal), Nov. 2014. (link)

C.7  M. Di Mauro, C. Di Sarno C. “A framework for Internet data real-time processing: a machine-learning approach”, in Proc. of IEEE ICCST, pp. 1-6, Rome (Italy), Oct. 2014. (link)

C.6  P. Addesso, M. Di Mauro, R. Garufi, M. Longo, “Data fusion strategies for mobile threats detection”, in Proc. of IEEE IIT, pp. 13-17, Al Ain (UAE), Nov. 2014. (link)

C.5  P. Addesso, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, G. Della Corte, A.L. Robustelli, “An Indoor Localization System within an IMS Service Infrastructure”, in Proc. of ACM MoMM, pp. 321-325, Wien (Austria), Dec. 2013. (link)

C.4  M. Di Mauro, R. Garufi, F. Postiglione, P. Addesso, R. Restaino, M. Longo, A. Senatore, A.L. Robustelli, “An architecture for threats detection in mobile operators network”, in Proc. of IEEE SOFTCOM, pp. 1-5, Split (Croatia), Sept. 2011. (link)

C.3  G. Della Corte, M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, A.L. Robustelli, “An IMS-Based Virtualized Architecture: Performance Analysis”, in Proc. of ICMMCTEE, pp. 311-316, Athens (Greece), Sept. 2009. (link)

C.2  M. Di Mauro, G. Della Corte, A.L. Robustelli, P. Addesso, M. Longo, “A WLAN-Based Location System for Indoor Parking Areas”, in Proc. of IEEE SOFTCOM, pp. 186-190, HVAR (Croatia), Sept. 2009. (link)

C.1  M. Di Mauro, R. Garufi, A.L. Robustelli, M. Longo, P. Addesso, “A localization architecture for indoor parking areas”, in Proc. of DNCOCO, pp. 69-74, Bucharest (Romania), Nov. 2008. (link)

Book Chapters, Books

B.3  M. Di Mauro, “Sicurezza nelle comunicazioni su rete (dai princìpi fondamentali ai paradigmi di nuova generazione, con esempi ed applicazioni pratiche)”, Franco Angeli ed. (198 pagg.) – ISBN: 978-8891760043. (Italian Book on Network Security). (link)

B.2  G. Carullo, M. Di Mauro, M. Galderisi, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “Object Storage in Cloud Computing environments: an availability analysis”, LNCS 10232 – Green, Pervasive, and cloud computing 2017, pp. 178-190, Cetara (Italy), May 2017. (link)

B.1  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco, “Availability Modeling and Evaluation of a Network Service Deployed via NFV”, Digital Communication: Towards a smart and secure future internet. (Springer), chapter book, pp. 31-44. ISBN: 978-3-319-67638-8. (link)


P.1  M. Di Mauro, M. Longo, R. Garufi, P. Fasano, “SISTEMA DI TELECOMUNICAZIONE PER PERSONE CON DEFICIT UDITIVI”, Codice Brevetto: SA2014A000003 (ITALIAN PATENT), 2014. (link)