Mario Di Mauro

  • Mario Di Mauro (PhD, SMIEEE) is an Assistant Professor of Telecommunications and Networking at the University of Salerno (Adjunct Professor from 2014 to 2021).
  • From 2007 to 2012 he was with Research Consortium on Telecommunications (formerly Ericsson Lab Italy) as an industrial researcher. Before joining academia in 2014, he has been consultant and expert evaluator for public administration. 
  • He has been involved in a number of national and European projects (e.g., Evo-Smart, SINSIMS, HSEPGEST, CYSIoT) mainly focused on next-generation networking systems. He is Senior Member IEEE, IEEE ComSoc Member, IEEE SPS Member, and CNIT (Italian Consortium on Telecommunication) Member. He is also a member and event organizer for the ICT commission of Engineer Professional Chamber of Salerno (Italy).  
  • His main research interests include 5G network management, network security and reliability, data analysis for telecommunication infrastructures, statistical modeling and characterization of network traffic, AI/ML for networking.